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Lip Repositioning: A Solution to Excessive Gingival Display?

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Chicago Implant Studio Dental Implant Experts

This is David and I am a dental implant educator at Chicago Implant Studio. One of the most common questions I get from our patients at their dental implant consultation session is “What is Lip Repositioning and Why is Lip Repositioning Performed?“

Lip repositioning is a surgical procedure aimed at reducing the amount of gum tissue that shows when you smile, often referred to as a “gummy smile.” It’s a cosmetic procedure that can significantly enhance one’s smile and overall facial aesthetics. This article will explore what lip repositioning is, why it’s performed, and what the procedure involves.

Understanding Lip Repositioning

Lip repositioning, also known as lip lowering, is a surgical technique designed to limit the retraction of the upper lip during smiling, thereby reducing the excessive gingival display. This procedure offers a predictable and stable solution for patients who are self-conscious about their “gummy smile.”

Why is Lip Repositioning Performed?

Lip repositioning is often performed for cosmetic reasons, specifically to address the following:

  1. Excessive Gingival Display: Some people show a large amount of gum tissue when they smile, which they may find unattractive.
  2. Hyperactive Lip: In some cases, the muscle that controls the movement of the upper lip is hyperactive, causing the lip to rise higher than normal when smiling and showing more gum tissue.
  3. Aesthetic Improvement: By reducing the gingival display, lip repositioning can enhance the aesthetics of one’s smile and increase self-confidence.

The Lip Repositioning Process

The lip repositioning procedure generally involves the following steps:

  1. Consultation: A thorough oral examination and smile analysis is done to determine if lip repositioning is the right solution.
  2. Surgery: The procedure involves removing a strip of tissue from the inside of the upper lip, which limits the muscle pull and restricts the upward movement of the lip when smiling.
  3. Recovery: Post-operative discomfort is usually minimal and can be managed with pain medication. Patients can return to normal activities within a few days.


Lip repositioning is an effective and minimally invasive procedure for reducing excessive gingival display and improving the aesthetics of the smile. If you’re self-conscious about a “gummy smile,” consider discussing the lip repositioning procedure with your dental professional.


f you are looking for state-of-the-art single and multiple tooth to full jaw All-on-4 dental implants, schedule a no-obligation free consultation with Chicago Implant Studio dental implant experts. Schedule a free consultation online today or call us at (331) 257-7999.


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