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Dental Implants > Nerve Repositioning - Parkway Professional Park Cary, NC: Cary Smiles

The Chance Of Nerve Damage After Dental Implant Surgery.

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Chicago Implant Studio Dental Implant Experts


This is David and I am a dental implant educator at Chicago Implant Studio. One of the things that our patients are curious about at their dental implant consultation session is  “Nerve Damage After Dental Implant Surgery”

Dental implant surgery is a popular and effective method for replacing missing teeth. While the procedure has a high success rate, there is a rare but potential risk of nerve damage. Understanding the causes, symptoms, and management of nerve damage after dental implant surgery is crucial for patients to make informed decisions and ensure a successful implantation process.

Causes of Nerve Damage:

Nerve damage during dental implant surgery can occur due to several factors. The proximity of nerves, such as the inferior alveolar nerve or mental nerve, to the implant site increases the risk. Inexperienced or inadequately trained dental professionals may inadvertently injure these nerves during the implant placement process. However, with proper planning, precise surgical techniques, and the expertise of an experienced implant specialist, the risk of nerve damage can be minimized.

Symptoms of Nerve Damage:

Patients who experience nerve damage after dental implant surgery may present with various symptoms. These can include:

  1. Numbness or tingling: Loss of sensation or a “pins and needles” sensation in the lips, tongue, gums, or chin area.
  2. Altered taste sensation: Changes in the perception of taste, such as a metallic taste in the mouth.
  3. Pain or discomfort: Persistent pain or a burning sensation in the affected area.
  4. Difficulty speaking or eating: Impaired ability to articulate words or chew food properly due to decreased sensation.

It is important to note that these symptoms may be temporary or, in rare cases, permanent. Seeking immediate professional assistance if any of these symptoms occur is essential for timely management.

Management of Nerve Damage:

If nerve damage is suspected or experienced after dental implant surgery, prompt action is crucial. Patients should immediately contact their dental professional to discuss the symptoms and seek appropriate evaluation and treatment options. The management of nerve damage may include:

  1. Observation and time: In many cases, nerve damage improves gradually over time without intervention. Patients are advised to remain patient and give the nerve time to heal.
  2. Medications: Prescribed medications, such as pain relievers or nerve-stimulating medications, may help alleviate discomfort and aid nerve regeneration.
  3. Physical therapy: Specialized exercises and stimulation techniques under the guidance of a trained professional can promote nerve healing and restore function.
  4. Surgical intervention: In rare cases where nerve damage persists or is severe, surgical interventions such as nerve grafting or microsurgery may be considered to repair or bypass damaged nerves.

It is important to note that the management approach may vary depending on the severity and type of nerve damage. Consulting with an experienced dental professional who specializes in dental implantology is crucial for accurate diagnosis and appropriate management.


While Nerve Damage After Dental Implant Surgery is a rare occurrence after dental implant surgery, it is important for patients to be aware of the potential risks involved. Choosing an experienced implant specialist, discussing pre-existing conditions, and understanding the procedure’s potential complications can help minimize the chances of nerve damage. Should nerve damage occur, seeking immediate professional assistance and following recommended treatment options can maximize the chances of successful nerve healing and restoration of normal sensation. Remember, proper communication with your dental professional and adherence to post-operative care instructions are essential for a smooth recovery and optimal dental implant outcomes.

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From single and multiple tooth to full jaw All-on-4 dental implants, Chicago Implant Studio helps patients of all ages enjoy eating, gain their confidence, and smile again. Find out how dental implants can improve your life and overall health. Schedule a free consultation online today or call us at (331) 257-7999.

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Class 1 Have All My Teeth

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